
定價:NT$ 3,493

會員價: NT$ 2,397 31%OFF

迎接摩托新生活,4/5 - 5/2 免運&分期活動
滿 5,000 即可享免運費優惠
滿 6,000 即可享3期0利率
滿 12,000 即可享6期0利率
滿 24,000 即可享12期0利率

回饋點數: 24 = NT$ 24 購物金

NT$ 2,397








Quick fill equipped Fuel Can, capacity of 15L made with hi-quality HDPE plastic
Fits snuggly agains the tank and closes when the tank is full.
Fill 10 liters in 30 seconds
Comes complete with transportation cap
3" extra-wide fill cap for easy and quick filling
Ergonomic and balanced side handle in matching color with transportation safety cap.
Ergonomic top handle and non-slip bottom
Tank cap adapter for non perimetral frames and internal vent pipes included.
No drips or spills
Designed to be transported safely by optimizing spoace, inserting is specially into the Rtech R15 Stand
The Rtech Gas can is intended only for use as a rapid refueling device for racing vehicles used in off-road and closed area competition racing events
It is not a portable fuel container, intended for racing fuel only. Not to be used for Street Legal fuels.
Accessories and replacement parts available; quick fill kit, traditional fill tubes, gasket sets, quick fill adapter cap and colored parts kits
Comes in 5 colors: blue, red, orange, green or yellow



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15L Translucent


Quick fill equipped Fuel Can, capacity of 15L made with hi-quality HDPE plastic
Fits snuggly agains the tank and closes when the tank is full.
Fill 10 liters in 30 seconds
Comes complete with transportation cap
3" extra-wide fill cap for easy and quick filling
Ergonomic and balanced side handle in matching color with transportation safety cap.
Ergonomic top handle and non-slip bottom
Tank cap adapter for non perimetral frames and internal vent pipes included.
No drips or spills
Designed to be transported safely by optimizing spoace, inserting is specially into the Rtech R15 Stand
The Rtech Gas can is intended only for use as a rapid refueling device for racing vehicles used in off-road and closed area competition racing events
It is not a portable fuel container, intended for racing fuel only. Not to be used for Street Legal fuels.
Accessories and replacement parts available; quick fill kit, traditional fill tubes, gasket sets, quick fill adapter cap and colored parts kits
Comes in 5 colors: blue, red, orange, green or yellow


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