不鏽鋼 運動型全段排氣管

  • 品牌: REMUS
  • 商品編號: 097782 089518LR

定價:NT$ 70,626

會員價: NT$ 63,962 9%OFF

迎接摩托新生活,4/5 - 5/2 免運&分期活動
滿 5,000 即可享免運費優惠
滿 6,000 即可享3期0利率
滿 12,000 即可享6期0利率
滿 24,000 即可享12期0利率

回饋點數: 640 = NT$ 640 購物金

NT$ 63,962







重量優化(-0.6 千克)


Remus 四排氣管設計的最初靈感來自於為寶馬 f80 m3/ f82 m4 設計的 Remus 運動型排氣管。
自 1990 年以來,remus 就一直以 "水平光學 "而聞名,其優雅的外形和深沉的音色都蘊含着強烈的侵略性。
在設計定制排氣管的整個研發過程中,REMUS 一直與寶馬社區保持聯系,傾聽客戶的反饋和要求。
因此,在我們的土地上進行的不同測試環境中行駛了許多英里後,定制排氣管的最終規格也是全球各地寶馬 K1600 bagger 騎手投入的結果和成就。這也是全球寶馬 K1600 bagger 車手共同參與的結果和成就。
Remus 定制排氣管在奧地利手工制造,采用優質 T304 級不銹鋼制造。
remus 的主要目標是提供具有大膽、激進外觀的定制排氣管,同時保持光滑、符合空氣動力學的線條,以增強摩托車的整體設計。增強摩托車的整體設計。
錯落有致的斜切和滾動排氣口設計,使 bagger 的線條更加簡潔而不突兀。
就聲音而言,remus 的定制排氣系統再次證明了這一點。
它為寶馬 K1600 提供了應有的音效;在急加速時,低沉的咆哮聲會變成怒吼。
此外,remus 還配備了一套 4 個 "旅行隔音板",可用於長途騎行或在有騎手時使用。
在寶馬 k1600gt&gtl 系列的 remus 運動型排氣系統的成功故事基礎上,remus 的聲音絕不是一般的聲音,而是根據全球摩托車手的渴望單獨設計的。的成功經驗的基礎上,remus 的排氣聲浪絕非泛泛而談,而是根據全球摩托車手的渴求單獨設計的。


*全套包括左右排氣管 7782 089518l + 7782 089518r = 7782 089518lr
*可單獨訂購附加不銹鋼頂蓋(無同質化):0101 089911


High grade material made of stainless steel
Performance and torque increase (+2.9PS,+2.9Nm)
Sporty,sonorous sound
Weight-optimized (-0.6kg)


The initial inspiration behind the REMUS Quad Exhaust DESIGN was to create a similar look as the REMUS sport exhaust for the BMW F80 M3/ F82 M4.
A horizontal optic that is defined by elegance yet aggressive with a deep SOUND for which REMUS is renowned for since 1990.

Throughout the R&D process of designing the custom exhaust,REMUS reached out to the BMW community to listen to customer feedback&requests.
Therefore,after many miles in different test environments carried out on US soil,the final specification of the custom exhaust is also the result and accomplishment of BMW K1600 Bagger rider input around the globe.

The REMUS custom exhaust is proudly hand made in Austria and is manufactured using quality T304 grade stainless steel.
The exhaust is finished off with a high-temperature flat black coating which provides a clear contrast to the stock chrome pipes.
REMUS’s main goal is to offer a custom exhaust with a bold&aggressive look while simultaneously maintaining slick&aerodynamic lines that enhance the overall DESIGN of the motorcycle.
The staggered,angled cut&rolled exhaust tip DESIGN add to the clean bagger lines without being obtrusive.

As far as SOUND goes,the REMUS custom exhaust delivers once again.
It provides the BMW K1600 the SOUND it deserves; a deep&throaty growl that turns into a roar during hard acceleration.
Furthermore,REMUS includes a set of 4 “touring sound baffles” which can be used for those engaging in longer rides or when a pillion rider is on-board.
Building upon the success story of the REMUS sport exhaust for the BMW K1600GT&GTL range,the REMUS SOUND is never generic,instead,it is individually engineered to the cravings of motorcycle riders around the globe.


※ FULL SET consisting of Left&Right Exhaust 7782 089518L + 7782 089518R = 7782 089518LR
※ Additional stainless steel header (without homologation) can be ordered seperately: 0101 089911
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