BOX+GRID-O 不鏽鋼 尾段排氣管

定價:NT$ 38,796

會員價: NT$ 34,916 10%OFF

迎接摩托新生活,4/5 - 5/2 免運&分期活動
滿 5,000 即可享免運費優惠
滿 6,000 即可享3期0利率
滿 12,000 即可享6期0利率
滿 24,000 即可享12期0利率

回饋點數: 349 = NT$ 349 購物金

NT$ 34,916







類型: 街道
重量(千克):火花 3.6 千克,原裝 6.2 千克
DB 級 - GTR8502 + GTR0507TOM
97 分貝(5850 轉/分),帶分貝殺手
100 分貝(5850 轉/分),無分貝殺手


火花研發部門對凱旋的新型三缸發動機進行了深入研究,該發動機將成為 2019 年 MOTO2 的主角。賽道上獲得的經驗優化了集電極的直徑和英國裸摩托車的長度,以獲得最佳性能。
gtr0507tom 的 homologated 版本包括一個 grid-o 消音器和一個消音盒,以確保在行駛過程中發出低沉而悅耳的聲音。然而,Grid-o 消音器完全保留了其賽車特性:新的全鈦消音器是專為世界超級摩托車和摩托車比賽而設計的。專為世界超級摩托車和摩托車 2 車隊設計。
賽車版 gtr0501t 則配備了鈦合金連接管,采用可見氬弧焊接,風格獨特,既有賽車風范,又不失優雅。
認證系統和賽車半系統均可安裝在原裝集電器上(帶原裝催化劑),或與火花賽車集電器 Gtr 一起安裝。8502.
為了提供最大的靈活性,安裝了同款半系統(gtr0502tom)的客戶可以選配全鈦賽車連接管(gtr0501r),並保留相同的消音器。 以獲得令人尖叫的聲音。




■重量(KG):スパーク 3.6 kg vs ストック 6.2 kg

dB Level - GTR8502 + GTR0507TOM
97dB (5850rpm) with dB Killer
100dB (5850rpm) without dB Killer


For the funny Street Triple Spark introduces a modular system suitable to all fans both for exciting days on track and trips out-of town.

Spark R&D has worked intensively on the new 3-cylinder engine by Triumph which will be the protagonist of 2019 Moto2. The experience gained on the racetrack allowed for the optimization of collectors’diameters and lenght of the english naked motorbike so as to get the top performance.

The half system replacing the original silencer has been designed to give the english bike extreme personality and new voice.

The homologated version GTR0507TOM includes Grid-O silencer combined with a silenced box to ensure deep sound but pleasant during travels,in full compliance with Euro4 Regulations. Grid-o silencer,however,fully preserves his racing identity: the new full titanium silencer has been specifically designed for the World Superbike and Moto2 Teams.

The racing version GTR0501T instead is provided with titanium link pipe,with visible TIG welding for a unique style,racing and elegant at the same time.
Both homologated and racing half systems can be mounted on the original collector (with original catalyst) or together with Spark racing collector GTR8502.

In order to offer maximum flexibility,customers who mount the homologated half system (GTR0502TOM) can match the full titanium racing link pipe (GTR0501R) and keep the same silencer.. for a screaming sound.


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