RAPID LASER 車輪&車台雷射量測系統

定價:NT$ 48,022

會員價: NT$ 36,228 25%OFF

迎接摩托新生活,4/5 - 5/2 免運&分期活動
滿 5,000 即可享免運費優惠
滿 6,000 即可享3期0利率
滿 12,000 即可享6期0利率
滿 24,000 即可享12期0利率

回饋點數: 362 = NT$ 362 購物金

NT$ 36,228







Code: RL-01

RapidLaser is an economical and convenient tool for checking the chassis for workshops, racing teams, used motorcycle dealers.
Detect misalignments and reveal hidden damage to the frame quickly and accurately.

Main features:
Rear wheel alignment check
Bent / twisted swingarm control
Bent / twisted steering head control
Bent / twisted fork leg control

Step measurement
One of the biggest advantages of RapidLaser is the possibility to carry out the diagnosis on the bike without removing the fairings / bodywork, a really huge time saving.
RapidLaser is an indispensable kit for workshops, racing teams, used motorcycle dealers and also for those who deal with used spare parts. Also for those who always want a perfect frame!
Rear wheel alignment check
Misalignment of the rear wheel results in excessive wear on the sprocket teeth, drive chain, wheel bearings, drive train, axle and tire.
Checking the folded / twisted swingarm
Just like a misaligned rear wheel, a bent / twisted swingarm results in poor motorcycle handling, uneven tire wear, and abnormal transmission (chain and sprocket) wear, with serious and dangerous consequences. For safety reasons, motorcycles with a folded / twisted swingarm should not be used until the problem has been resolved. If the motorcycle has not crashed, faced with a similar problem, it is good to check the swingarm bearings first.
Bent / twisted steering head control
Motorcycle frames tend to bend / twist in the event of an accident, even more so in the event of a frontal collision. Not only does the slightest deviation from the factory state make the motorcycle unusable, it is also very dangerous for road and track driving and must be repaired immediately. Damage to the frame is considered to be one of the most serious damage to a motorcycle.
Bent / twisted fork legs control
Even a simple low-speed slide can easily bend the fork tubes and the steering base, so this is another crucial area of ​​the bike's controls, with a very serious impact on riding.
Step measurement
An altered wheelbase can also be a telltale sign of a frontal collision, as a shorter wheelbase only occurs when the steering angle (trail) becomes tighter (in the case of a stock geometry motorcycle). In order to perform a correct measurement of the wheelbase, it is necessary to have the bike in original condition as regards the transmission: new chain, pinion and crown, of the original type, because the values ​​provided by the manufacturers are provided in relation to the standard set-up.
NB: This picture is only indicative













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